Please excuse the mess...the children are making memories
Tuesday 24th October Painting allows children to express their creativity and ideas. Developing a skill like painting provides the...
Reggio inspired clay play
Wednesday 14th February It begins with one slice of clay. A blank canvas receptive to endless explorations . . . Today our children...
Art and science: Ice block painting
Friday 20th April 2018 We had so much fun exploring ice as we decided to do a little outdoor painting project. The children thought that...
Exploring art: Autumn Collage
Thursday 17th of May A tangerine and russet cascade of keleidoscopic leaves Creates a tapestry of Autumn magic Upon the emerald carpet of...
Practical life education: Washing our dishes
Thursday 24th May 2018, Children have an innate need to imitate the activities of adults, as this is their way of learning about their...
Feast for the eyes
Wednesday 29th August 2018 Children are naturally active learners and can learn so much through play. Play allows them to explore,...
Baking soda and balloon experiment
Thursday 31st May, Young children are naturally curious and passionate about learning (Raffini, 1993). In their pursuit of knowledge,...
Science: Salt water density experiment
Wednesday 11th April 2018 This easy to set up salt water density science experiment takes the classic sink and float science experiment...
Shaving Cream Rain Clouds
Monday 4th June 2018 This month, we are focusing our attention on the changing weather with an experiment that looks into how rain clouds...
Art with Sand and sea shell dough
Friday April 13th 2018 Who doesn’t love a day at the beach?! Beach days are so fun! The quietness, the salty air, the soft sand under...