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Discovering Making Music - Connecting with practice

Vignette No. 12: Discovering—Making music This vignette shows several children engaged with a very creative outdoor music and sound station. How to use this Connecting with practice—EYLF and NQS vignettes The Connecting with practice—EYLF and NQS video vignettes are for you to use on your own, or better still, with other educators. The aim is that your discussion will focus on both what and how children are learning and the educator's roles and contribution to the learning. This dual focus will help you use the EYLF to reflect on your practice and take action that will lead to improved ways of supporting children's learning. These vignettes have been chosen as examples of practice that will elicit multiple perspectives and prompt debate and discussion among educators, rather than merely a discussion as to whether it is good or exemplary practice.

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